RV7 Flight: Kamiah, Idaho

Hubbie and I spent most of the day on Saturday doing outdoor house maintenance. He finished painting the trim around the two north-facing windows and then got the big wheel tractor and ripped a burning bush out of the back yard that was half dead. It was a shame, because the bush was so big and beautiful in the fall. Something got to it, and so it had to go. I cleaned out the garage and readied three whisky barrels for planting with freesia, carnations, marigolds and petunias. Around 6:30 pm, hubbie wondered if I'd like to fly with him over to Kamiah , Idaho. It's about 80 nautical miles from us, or 100 miles to drive. In the airplane, it's about a 30 minute flight. A little historic town, Kamiah (pronounced Kam--ee--ii), it's nestled in the mountains of Northern Idaho along one of the forks of the Clearwater River. Click the link, and you can read a couple paragraphs about it. It was the winter home of the Nez Perce Indian tribe. Lewis and Clark also camped there in 18...