RV7 Flight: Joseph, Oregon in July

The last time hubby and I took an afternoon flight to Joseph, Oregon was a little over a year ago. You can read my first Joseph post here. It was March 2012, and decidedly not yet tourist season for the tourist town. Yesterday, some friends accompanied us: Vince and Sharon Himsl. Sharon might be posting pictures on her blog , so if you're interested, check hers out in the next day or two. If you look closely off of the left side of our wingtip, you can see their airplane. Vince built a Vans RV-8, which is similar to our Vans RV-7, except that theirs is tandem seating (like a motorcycle), whereas ours is side-by-side. Here we are, just coming into the Enterprise/Joseph area, which abuts the Willowa mountain range. The mountains rise about 6,000 feet above a plateau that is already at a 4,000' elevation. We left in the heat of the afternoon, and so the air was very choppy with thermals. Sharon, her husband Vince, and my husband, Mike. As it happened, Joseph had a huge rodeo on S...