RV7 Flight: Painted Hills, Oregon

Hubby and I decided to take a Saturday afternoon flight. We had been talking about flying over the Painted Hills in central Oregon since last spring. We finally did it today. As the Painted Hills are over 200 miles from home, it took about 75 minutes to get there in the RV-7. It couldn't have been a prettier flight. The sky was clear and blue, and the air felt as smooth as glass. Aren't they incredible? The color striations are other-worldly. The Painted Hills themselves cover a very small area--hubby said about 3000 acres. Same hills, but closer. Here's a different hill, with different colors. We took a different route home. Hubby and I both needed a potty break, so we flew to Lexington, Oregon, and landed at the little airport there. Though little, it had a great pilot's lounge--it was warm and clean, and had tables and chairs and even a sofa. But that's not the subject of my picture. I loved seeing the tractor patterns on the hillsides whenever the farmer tur...