RV7 Flight: Palouse Falls and Steptoe Butte, Early December 2013

It was only five degrees outside this afternoon, but we decided to take a short flight to see Palouse Falls, frozen! We left at around 3:30 pm. It gave us enough time to fly to the falls and get back--barely--before the sun set. We were in the air for slightly over an hour. We wouldn't have wanted to fly for much longer than that. The airplane has a heater, but even so, it's not like sitting in your living room! Mike wore insulated overalls in addition to his jacket, hat and gloves. I stayed fairly warm in my coat, hat and gloves, although I noticed that by the time we were nearing home, my fingers felt quite icy and stiff. In the picture above, we're circling around the falls, as we had approached it from the east. Here, you can see that the amount of free-flowing water has dwindled to a narrow stream. We're flying east again, and are on our way home. You can see the Snake River in the upper third of the picture if you look closely. The sun was setting on the hillsi...