RV7 Flight around Mt. St. Helens

A couple weeks ago, we flew around Mt. St. Helens with some friends. We flew our RV-7 and they flew their RV-8. Mt. St. Helens erupted on May 18, 1980. Since then the mountain’s been rebuilding itself at an astonishing rate. When we visited it a few years ago, experts at the interpretive center gave us an estimate. By my husband’s quick mental calculations, the huge crater might have completely rebuilt itself by the time we’re 80 years old. Geologically speaking, that’s the lifespan of a gnat. We’re hoping to be spry enough to fly around it again when we’re eighty. Here are some pictures: Mt. St. Helens is fairly close to Mt. Rainier, which we passed first. Beyond Mt. Rainier is Mt. Adams, then Mt. St. Helens, and then Mt. Hood in the far distance. (Mt. St. Helens isn’t seen in this picture. ) Here is my first picture of the dry old volcano. We are heading southwest and will make a clockwise loop around it . Trees from the devastation 34 years ago still fill Spirit L...