RV7 Flight to Arizona: Part 2

 Red rock country near St. George, Ut.

 St. George runway. It was getting close to sunset.
 Our little plane beside the corporate jets. So cute!

 Refueled and ready to go again.

 The pictures above are of the Grand Canyon.

Just before the sun set, we touched down in Wickenburg and our friend was waiting for us. We tried to get the RV7 into his T-hangar but both airplanes didn’t fit. We moved the RV7 to an empty hangar and then our friend took us to his winter home. He and his wife are snowbirds who live near us for six months of the year, but prefer Wickenburg’s warmer winter temperatures. Who wouldn’t?
Finally, we’re on solid ground again and boy am I ever glad. Though we went out for dinner, I was too sick to eat much and didn’t regain my normal vitality until the following morning.
I’ve felt great since, and we’ve been having a wonderful time with our friends.


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