RV7 Flying Adventures
Flying Adventures for Adventurous Spirits …
My husband built an airplane, a Vans RV7, shown above. It’s a two-seat airplane that travels between 160-212 mph.
It took him (only) six years to build in his spare time. What a project! It was filled with many frustrations, but also, in the end, an incredible sense of accomplishment. I am so proud of him. To this day, we often marvel about it. It’s kinda hard to believe he built it, and that it can take us anywhere we want to go.
He flew its maiden flight early in December, 2007. He flew it again on Christmas day. Then the weather got bad and he couldn’t fly it again until spring.
Two family crises prevented us from doing much flying between January 2015-March 2017, however they are now over and we hope to begin flying again soon.
If you’re interested in reading about our adventures, look in the archives in the left sidebar.
There are also posts on Flight Terminology done for an A-Z blogging challenge that you might find enjoyable.
Hi Cathy! This makes me want to do a flying blog too. My blog is so eclectic. I really need to start dividing up my interests. The RV sure looks pretty next to that 'dingy' jet. I wonder if you'll draw some interest from the pilot community. Maybe some flying links would draw them in.