
Showing posts from 2010

Driving the Airplane to the Airport

Three years ago, my husband completed building a Van's Experimental Aircraft, model RV-7, in a farm shop. It took six years (in his spare time) to build. The plane cruises at about 180 mph, although when there's a strong tail wind, it can go as high as 220 mph. Hubby hauled it to the local airport with one of our little farm tractors. Once it was there, he attached the wings and later painted it. It's an odd sight, is it not?

RV7 Flight: Springtime at Palouse Falls

This area, about 38 nautical miles from home, is part of the famous, Ice Age Missoula Flood plain. Millions of years ago, an ice dam broke. Raging water coursed through thousands of miles in what's now Montana, Northern Idaho and Eastern Washington. You can see how the flood gouged out the land. It didn't leave much topsoil, and so nothing much grows in the area.

RV7 Flight: Mt. Rainier from 10,000 feet

Mount Rainier May 2009 Taken by me.