During the early days of aviation, "Barnstormers" flew around the countryside, landing in fields and giving rides and demonstrations to earn money. There were even Wing Walkers, although nobody does that anymore, due to the extreme danger. If you attend an airshow now, you are sure to see some terrific, truly dangerous stunts. However, stunt pilots are highly skilled and have spent hundreds, if not thousands, of hours practicing their maneuvers. You seldom hear of accidents, although sometimes you do, such as at the Reno Air Races a few years back.
The picture below shows wing walkers playing tennis--unbelievably ridiculous!
For write-ups on the history of barnstorming, check out these websites:
The History of Barnstorming
Barnstorming Biplane Pictures and the Golden Age of Aviation
Barnstormers and Racers
During the early days of aviation, "Barnstormers" flew around the countryside, landing in fields and giving rides and demonstrations to earn money. There were even Wing Walkers, although nobody does that anymore, due to the extreme danger. If you attend an airshow now, you are sure to see some terrific, truly dangerous stunts. However, stunt pilots are highly skilled and have spent hundreds, if not thousands, of hours practicing their maneuvers. You seldom hear of accidents, although sometimes you do, such as at the Reno Air Races a few years back.
The picture below shows wing walkers playing tennis--unbelievably ridiculous!
For write-ups on the history of barnstorming, check out these websites:
The History of Barnstorming
Barnstorming Biplane Pictures and the Golden Age of Aviation
Barnstormers and Racers
image source: Barnstorming Biplane Pictures
The closest my husband gets to barnstorming is ... landing our KitFox2 in the field behind our barn! See picture, below.
The picture below was taken at our River Ranch, with a view of landmark Steptoe Butte in the distance. The KitFox2 is basically a bush plane, capable of slow flight and short-field takeoffs and landings. Its absence of wheel ferrings (wheel pants) and its large front tires make it an excellent choice for field landings. Mike uses it to check crops at the ranches we farm.
If you're interested in going along for the ride, consider watching the videos below, posted by Farmer Flyer (hubby) on YouTube.
KitFox2 Field Landings
KitFox 2 Field Landings Bird's Eye View These videos show the Palouse countryside where we live very well.
Just a Couple Landings before the Sun Goes Down This one shows some landings on the landing strip in our back yard.
RV7 from Tail Wheel Spring In this video, Mike attached the GoPro camera to the tail wheel spring of our RV7 and took off. Interesting viewpoint, although I think he should've edited a few seconds off the beginning before he took off!
Do you like to attend air shows? What is your favorite air stunt?
ReplyDeleteIs it possible to seek God? Calvinists teach that none seek God. They believe God selects all who will be saved, making it an impossibility to seek HIM. Man-made doctrines are always contrary to Scripture. God's word is always, the last word.
Acts 15:15-17 With this the words of the Prophets agree, just as it is written, 16 After theses things I will return, And I will rebuild the tabernacle of David which has fallen, And I will restore it, 17 So that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, And all the Gentiles who are called by My name,
Prophets of God agree that all mankind may seek the Lord; a sharp contrast to Calvinistic teaching.
Psalm 10:4 The wicked, in the haughtiness of his countenance, does not seek Him. All his thoughts are, "There is no God."
The wicked can seek God, however, they choose not to. Pride destroys the desire to seek God.
Acts 17:26-27 and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and boundaries of their habitation, 27 that they seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;
Mankind is to seek God. He is there for whoever is willing to find Him.
Psalm 53:1-2 The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God.".....2 God has looked down from heaven upon the sons of men to see if there is anyone who understands, Who seeks God,
If God selects men to be saved against their will, He would not have to look down to see who seeks Him.
Proverbs 8:17 "I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me.
God says diligently seek Him. Calvinists proclaim that no man can seek God. Who do you believe?
2 Chronicles 19:3 But there is some good in you, for you have removed the Asheroth from the land and you have set your heart to seek God."
Men need to prepare their hearts to seek God.
Psalm 9:10 And those who know Your name will put their trust in You, For You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.
The writer of the Psalms says God will not forsake those who seek God. Those who preach, the John Calvin view of predestination, strongly disagree.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first His kingdom......
Jesus says seek God's kingdom. John Calvin says men cannot seek God.
Hebrews 11:6 ....for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.
God rewards those who seek Him.
(All Scripture quotes from:NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE)
What a beautiful ranch you have! I've seen pics of those wing walkers before and it's so hard to imagine that people actually did it. I'd be so terrified!
ReplyDeleteCathy, do you have any plans of adopting an African. I am self-sufficient, can cook. love animals and have only four kids and 1 husband to abandon. hahahahaha. Oh what i'd give to to love in horse country. I had such a giggle at the title because i had no idea what that was and i thought: is she putting a twist on brainstorming?
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed it...thank you, now i know more than i did when i came over.
Thank you so much for dropping in at my blog. I look forward to your posts.
xo Wendy @ Fabulosity Reads Book Promotions
hehehehe! Love "I am self-sufficient, can cook. love animals and have only four kids and 1 husband to abandon."
DeleteLOL. putting my best side forwards hehehe
DeleteThe romanatic lure ot those early barnstormers is what drew my husband into flying, and I must admit I would have been waving then from down below as I do now. I love the books, movies, and stories on the subject. Such a romantic era, and yet here your husband continues, living the dream as a modern barnstormer today. How exciting for both of you!!
ReplyDeleteOh wow, tennis on the wings of a plane. That's just crazy!
ReplyDeleteThere is an excellent film with Robert Redford where he plays a barnstormer. there is a small role with Susan Sarandan in it tooI just can't recall the name of it right now but if you google Robert Redford you will see it on his film list. It was done in the 1970's. It was big business in the late teens and 20's. Many stars went up with these barnstormers since they would perform stunts for the movies too. One was Ormer Locklear who died while performing a stunt and it was the not his fault. The crew on land did not take the lights off him(was a night stunt) and he could not get his bearings and he crashed-it was a sad loss
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting us. Love looking at your pictures, they are beautiful. I lived for a while out on a ranch outside Pendleton. We were way out there in no man's land but the military loved the buttes and rolling hills for practice flights. We never knew when some plane or helicopter would come buzzing through. BUT, none of them were playing tennis!
ReplyDeleteYou live in such a beautiful area. Thanks for sharing with us.
ReplyDeletePlaying tennis on a wing.. that just looks crazy:-)
Those planes look fairly scary to me. I don't even like to fly commercial!
ReplyDeleteAmazing what all comes to light during this challenge; and talking about that, just think of the early aviators. They truly flew by the seat of their pants. I did a little glider flying (the high updrafts in Austria are well-suited) and it was thrilling - as long as the tow cable unhooked from the winch on the ground! Glorious pictures of your farm....thanks for sharing a slice of your life.
ReplyDeleteYou live in a beautiful area. I remember an old movie with Robert Redford as a barnstormer. Can't recall the name at the time. Really cool, and scary.
ReplyDeleteI may race cars around a track, but walking on a plane's wings... no thanks!
ReplyDeleteWe have been to one air show and I just enjoyed
ReplyDeletewatching the planes.
I would love to see The Blue Angels sometime.
M : )
I just decided to become your latest follower because I am terrified of flying in small airplanes. Having overcome most of my life's fears, I figure following on your journey through A to Z and learning more about these planes, I would somehow overcome my fear. I also love your land, just beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThe pictures are beautiful. I wouldn't be surprised if there are still wing walkers somewhere. Barnstorming definitely is both exciting and dangerous. Stuntmen risk their lives and are worth every penny.
ReplyDeleteHi, Catherine! Love your blog and the photos for this post. Haven't heard of barnstorming. Thanks for including some links. Will visit again soon.
ReplyDeletePlaying tennis on the wings of an airplane while it's flying? That's what I call completely insane!
ReplyDeleteHere for the A to Z Challenge. Nice pics! Insane that people actually do these kinds of things! I find tennis to be challenging on just a good-old fashioned clay court.
ReplyDeleteMy father was a pilot, in the air force as well during Korea, so I always have an eye to the sky. I even ended up marrying a man who designs aircraft batteries and who's father designed the wing and nose of the Concorde! So, though I don't myself pilot, I'm surrounded by those interested in anything to do with planes!