Not the Usual Way to Move an Airplane

The picture below shows how we moved the RV7, which my husband built in his spare time over sixyears, from an old farm shop out to the local airport. The wings were transported in the back of a pickup. It was a distance of about 9 miles. 

We think it's a funny juxtaposition of high-tech (the airplane) and decidedly low-tech (the old bucket tractor). We did it this way because we didn't want to spend money renting a U-Haul. 

Have you ever moved something in a way that was, well ... creative?


  1. Love that pic of the airplane and the tractor! :)

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption
    Minion, Capt. Alex's Ninja Minion Army
    The 2014 Blogging from A-Z Challenge

  2. Sometimes one just has to get creative.
    Too funny.

    Come by sometime.

    M : )

  3. Hi, Cathy. Have always loved that pic. We had to use a flatbed truck. I keep thinking I need to memorize our plane's number.


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